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Male waxing is gaining in popularity as men up and down the country discover the benefits of having smooth, hair-free skin.

It's fair to say that gents of all ages and backgrounds are getting waxed every day of the week.


  • Being hair-free feels cleaner and more hygienic
  • Reduces body odour, particularly in summer
  • Sports related benefits for swimmers, athletes and cyclists (Prevents ingrown hairs especially around the base of the spine which can cause pilonidal sinus, which can be very common in male cyclists and rowers.)
  • Improves appearance and enhances muscle definition
  • Increases self-confidence
  • Partners can prefer the smooth look


  • Intimate Waxing

  • Face

  • Arms

  • Torso

  • Legs

  • Wax Specialist Packages

  • Body Clipping

  • Threading